Tuesday, 13 April 2010

2012 is not the end

i dont think the world would end personaly but my predictions are there will be alot more ufo sightings and weather disasters.

The movie
‘2012’ is all set to hit theaters
this Friday. It is touted to be the biggest disaster movie ever, highlighting that the world will end in the year 2012.

The main focus is on the date Dec. 21, 2012, when the Mayan Calendar ends, thus projecting a wild doomsday scenario. The Mayans were the ancient civilization who studied astronomy, and their calendars were very precise.

What the movie will exactly project is yet not clear, but there are all kinds of assertions being made. According to rumors doing the rounds, Nibiru, a supposed planet discovered by the Sumerians, is heading toward Earth. Some reports claim that some meteor would hit Earth.

Others state that the world will come to an end due to reversal in its rotation or as a result of the solar storms predicted for 2012.

NASA tries to dispels myths
Where on one hand ‘2012’ is building up hysteria, NASA is trying to assure everyone that nothing will happen in the aforesaid year.

In order to assuage concerns being raised worldwide, NASA has even posted a frequently asked questions (FAQ) guide claiming that the world will not end.

“Remember the Y2K scare? It came and went without much of a whimper because of adequate planning and analysis of the situation. Impressive movie special effects aside, Dec. 21, 2012, won't be the end of the world as we know. It will, however, be another winter solstice,” stated NASA on its Web site.

Talking about the Mayan Calendar it mentions that just as our calendar end on Dec. 31, likewise Mayan Calendar ends on Dec 21., 2012, marking the “end of the Mayan long-count period”. But just as our calendar again starts on Jan. 1, similarly a long-count period also starts for the Mayan Calendar.

Elaborating further, it stated that stories related to Nibiru are just Internet hoaxes, and there is no scientific evidence to back such claims.

Neither is a meteor predicted to hit the planet by 2012 and it is just a fictional assertion. Even the reversal in the rotation of the Earth is impossible.

Readers’ reactions
There is quite a buzz on online forums where readers are discussing the year 2012 and dangers associated with it.

A reader named Vyor posted his view on dvice.com saying, “How would the end of time be in 2012 even the myans said it would be after that. The worst thing that could happen at that date would be a large solar flair or earths poles (magnetic) shifting. And for that movie thing poeple realy [sic]do think that the world will end in 2012.”

Another reader named grenwodirishwica commented on the same site, “Ithink that it is funny the way the human psyche is so facinated by the fear of apoalypes. it is the biggest threat to our existance [sic] that we know of....and its the only one that we no of no way to stop. not just talking about 2012 but the apocalypse in general. Humans are curious to see when it will all end.”

“Nobody knows when the world is going to end .. but the movie looks great! I'll be @ the theatre , i love a good action flick!,” stated a reader named inuyoukiskye on wltx.com.

National Geographic: 21 December 2012 - What's supposed to happen

By Vanessa Tencati, National Geographic;2012

Depending on who's doing the prophesying, the winter solstice in the year 2012 could usher in a day of celebration — or a day of chaos. December 21, 2012 has been marked as a special day since the time of the Maya, whose calendar first touted it as the end of a great 5,126 year cycle. Now, just a few years before the day of reckoning is upon us, the human race is forced to consider the possibility of an approaching apocalyptic nightmare. Only time will tell whether 2012 will be the end, a new beginning, or just a year like any other.

THEORY: The End of the Maya Calendar Cycle;2012

This is where it all begins. The Maya Long Count calendar comes to the end of a 5,126 year cycle soon—possibly on December 21, 2012. The exact date is debated, as is what will happen when we hit that date. There is no record telling us exactly what the ancient Maya expected to happen when this cycle ended and the next began. But some think they would have been worried about the end of mankind as we know it.

THEORY: Bible Code Prophecy;2012

At least one interpretation of the Bible tells us that in the year 2012, God will destroy Earth. With the help of computers, Israeli mathematicians have discovered a supposed secret code in the Bible's text. Michael Drosnin, author of The Bible Code, also decoded the text based on the mathematicians' work. According to Drosnin's interpretations, comets are due to rain down upon Earth in both 2010 and 2012.

THEORY: Terrence McKenna's Timewave Zero;2012

In the early 1970s, Terence McKenna took a trip to the Amazon rainforest, where he experienced mind-bending drugs. Upon his return, he utilized the I Ching, the ancient Chinese book of divination, to determine a mathematical formula he called "timewave zero." According to his research, this formula predicts that time will form into tighter and tighter spirals until a "final time" is reached. When this happens, the laws of physics as we currently experience them will no longer apply, and the world will suddenly enter a new era with new, unknown laws. Originally set to occur on November 17, 2012, McKenna later moved the date when he determined the occurrence of the next galactic alignment: December 21, 2012.

THEORY: Nostradamus' Prophecies;2012

The infamous seer's writings have been cited as predicting such historical events as the reign of Napoleon, the tyranny of Hitler, both World Wars, and September 11th. His writings also contain a number of end of the world prophecies which have yet to occur. His written quatrains prophesize everything from earthquakes and rampant disease to the coming of an antichrist and the onset of World War III. While not specifically pinpointed to the year 2012, many believe that Nostradamus' prophecies will coincide with the end of the Maya calendar.

THEORY: Rogue Planet Collision;2012

Author Zecharia Sitchin wrote of a 5,000-year-old tale of planet Nibiru, home to a race of beings called the Annunaki, orbiting the sun beyond Pluto. Although dismissed by many as a myth, some believe that because of an unusual orbit, Nibiru is set to disrupt Earth in 2012. Recent science has indeed discovered a planetary body that is slightly larger than Pluto and three times farther from the sun, named Eris. Despite assurances from NASA that Eris is not headed anywhere near Earth, followers of Sitchin’s ideas fear that Eris is indeed Nibiru and will follow a rogue orbit, coming close enough to the solar system that its gravitational pull could dramatically alter the face of the Earth, wreaking unprecedented havoc on our gravity and electromagnetic fields.

THEORY: Galactic Alignment;2012

In the galactic alignment, the winter solstice sun will line up perfectly with the galactic equator, an invisible line that denotes the center of the Milky Way galaxy. According to researcher John Major Jenkins, this precise alignment only occurs once every 26,000 years—and the next one is scheduled to take place by 2016. Jenkins asserts that rather than doomsday, the galactic alignment will bring about a shift in the human psyche toward a more conscious state.

THEORY: Solar Storms on Earth;2012

Approximately every 11 years, the number of sunspots on our sun peaks at what we call a solar maximum. These sunspots, giant magnetic storms which appear as dark splotches on the sun's surface, release solar flares that vary in intensity. The next solar maximum is due to occur in 2012, and if powerful solar flares manage to penetrate Earth's weakening magnetic shield, damaging radiation could wreak havoc on the health on humankind.

THEORY: Pole Shift Hypotheses;2012

Due to a variety of environmental or man-made factors, the north and south poles of Earth are not entirely static. There are many theories as to why this is, and what this means. The occurrence of a pole shift, where the poles would move dramatically, could cause the Earth's crust to move over the mantle and core—like an orange skin floating around above the pulpy fruit. This could result in major tsunamis, dramatic earthquakes and volcanoes, and intense climate change as the continents are pushed halfway across the globe from their current locations. A pole shift of this magnitude was predicted by psychic Edgar Cayce in 1934, who said it would start happening in the early 21st century.

Did the mayans predict the end of the world

So what is supposed to happen on this magical date of December 21, 2012

One theory suggests that a Magnetic Field shift will occur around this time, that the calendar was based on pole shifts, which have occurred repetitively throughout the Earths history. The Maya, understanding the time periods between these shifts created their Long count calendar around them and come up with the final date for the next pole shift. But how would they know what to look for to expect another shift? How much time was supposed to pass between these shifts and how did they know it? Was there record passed down to them from long ago recounting a time when there was a prior pole shift so that mathematics could be used to predict the next one to come? Or did the ancients study a form of dendrochronology the study of climate changes by looking at tree rings. Others suggest a much more mythical or religious approach. December 21, 2012 is also the Winter Solstice, and provides us with a view that will not be seen again in any of our lifetimes. The Sun will conjunct the intersection of the Milky Way in the ecliptic, giving us view of the Sacred Tree as called by the Maya, giving us view of the Tree of Life.

The ancient peoples of Mesoamerica were of a vast interconnected empire, filled with rich art, education and destruction. The Maya were one of these tribes. Other than archaeological intrigue why are these people so studied? Their written language was based on pictographs, much like the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. Mayan culture was like most other native cultures.

Both of these scenarios are quite possible, one scientific explanation, and one religious. What we still do not know, and probably will not know is what will happen after this end date until it actually occurs. A new dawn of enlightenment would be a step towards progression, in that mankind would become more aware of their surroundings and the impact that they have on the Earth as well as a higher intelligence and consciousness and a better mindset for helping their fellow man. Perhaps this is the end, when Mother Nature finally decides to shrug off the oppressiveness that has been created by the children and start anew.
We may just end up living through another doomsday prophecy, going to work or school as usual, looking back on the prophecies and laughing them off. Peter may have cried wolf too often for our cynical minds.

Will Aliens invade the Earth in 2012?

Why would Aliens want to invade Earth?
Let's ask why Aliens or other intelligent (more dominant) species of some kind would WANT to invade us. As far as we understand our planet we enjoy the benefits of habitable eco-systems, fresh water, and a means to produce foods. These things would be the most likely reason for an alien invasion... Assuming that we are not alone in this vast cosmos....

Why isn't this theory a crock? Taken to account that there are roughly 100 billion stars in our Milky Way galaxy, the probability of life on other planets is a likely one. Also the infinite number of parallel universes, there the possibility of life on other planets is expanded quite a bit. Extraterrestrials would have quite a bit of searching to do just to find our big blue ball in an infinite sea of possibilities, in this case. The reasoning behind an invasion could stem from any number of things. Their own planet could be in the grip of over population, that they have depleted their own native resources and drained the planet. Over pollution is as well another possibility for their migrations. If there were resources native to only a few planets, Earth included this would be another cause for invasion.
How could an Alien Invasion happen?
FLT : Faster than light travel would likely be needed for them to reach us. Our universe is theorized to be one thousand trillion trillion (1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) meters, should our planet be found in the vastness of possibilities, how would we be reached from the depths of space? Traveling at a year at the speed of light one would have gone ten trillion kilometers (10,000,000,000,000) one would have to possess superior technologies that could propel them at faster than light speeds, and/or through "wormholes". A theoretical distortion of space-time in a region of the universe that would link one location or time with another, through a path that is shorter in distance or duration than would otherwise be expected. If one were able to harness faster than light speeds, faster than 300,000 kilometers per second as well as travel through wormholes, then an invasion would be quite possible within a few years as opposed to a few million, billion, or trillion years. Physicists today are coming closer to the answer of this question although the technology is something out of our current reach.
Could we stop an alien invasion of our planet?
Oh sure, I'll get Will Smith on the phone - and we'll be kicking their asses Independence Day style in no time....


Given the technologies that these beings could possibly possess, or other transport options that we couldn't fathom, it is quite likely that they would possesses weapons that would remove us completely without endangering their new possible home. In another case, they may even just kill off the excess and use the rest as slave labor. Such fantasies as seen in the science fiction books and movies where humans won the day through whatever means would be exactly that, fiction. An intelligent species would have taken the time to study this planets physiology and technology to learn what viruses and possible threats that were resident here and take precautions.

In the event of an unknown threat, we would have no hard information on how to defend ourselves against a threat such as this. Being an unknown enemy is the best tactic that an enemy has. We would either kill ourselves, and the planet with nuclear weapons in the remote chance that it would remove the threat, game over for everyone.

Global warming!

The polar bears, glaciers, Arctic ice melt, rising water of the oceans, the [supposition] that it's getting warmer—ALL of these things are untrue, bollocks, and the result of media hype over (particularly but not exclusively) the last couple of decades.
If you dig deep enough, and I have, you'll find that even organizations like the IPCC, the UN, Enron et al, all had [sic] their fingers in this MULTI-TRILLION dollar pie. Not paid for yet, but it will be over the few decades—by the Citizens of the US of A, and eventually the rest of the world, and even us down in the south Pacific.
We get a lot of this type of mail, and for the record, we're fully onboard with the idea that conspiracies are ongoing in a number of important areas. But this email was so stuffed full of juicy tin-foil accusations that we though it was worth commenting on.
There are several broad issues at play:
  • Is global warming a hoax?
  • Is there a conspiracy?
  • Is the current global warming solution the right one?
Let's go through the answers.
It's troubling that many still wonder whether global warming is altogether a hoax. The overwhelming majority of climate scientists are not just saying that picture of dry, cracked mud in barren area of Ethiopia; photo from USAID.gov global warming is real, they're jumping up and down, pulling at their hair, frantically telling us we need to do something about climate disruption, and sooner rather than later. Sure, as in any profession, there are outliers who disagree, but these climate skeptics are now relegated to being a tiny minority. Global warming is not a hoax, scientifically speaking.
There is, however, a conspiracy. It's not among the thousands of scientists working on the issue; they have not colluded to falsify data and testimony so greedy politicians can tax us more. The conspiracy is among those who have worked for more than a decade to cast doubt on an issue they knew to be solidly supported by the science. This group includes Exxon-Mobil and the coal industry; "language whore" Frank Luntz; the US senate's head dunce, James Inhofe; as well as a variety of radio talkers, all the way from far-right-wingnut Rush Limbaugh to pseudo-paranoiac Alex Jones. They've all done a dandy job of confusing the public and delaying action on global warming, leaving us at a point of crisis.
Some of these folks are just misinformed, or not-so-bright, or in the pocket of an industry that stands to be hurt by any action to solve the problem. But there are other climate-change refusniks who are now turning on a dime, positioning themselves for profit. These paragons of plutocracy wanted us to be left with a choice between draconian (costly) measures and catastrophic climate disruption. Why? Because a crisis of any kind is very profitable. One of planetary proportions is maximally profitable.
The current cap-and-trade proposal appears to be set up to allow huge profits to be gained by companies participating in the process. A similar system called cap-and-dividend set emissions caps, charge for the permits, and then refund the proceeds to citizens—not to corporations and their shareholders or governments and their spending programs. Cap-and-dividend is eminently more fair than cap-and-trade.
An even more effective approach would be to shift taxes off of people's salaries and onto dirty energy sources. The change would be a wash for most people, unless they chose to reduce their fossil fuel use, in which case they would see a net increase in their disposable income. But neither the tax shift approach or the cap-and-dividend idea have any profit potential for corporations or politicians, so they have not been seriously considered.
The real twist of the knife in the current cap-and-trade proposal is that carbon-dioxide levels will be reduced too slowly to avert the worst of the predicted climate-disruption effects. So we'll be have a lot of our hard-earned money taken from us AND we will fail to solve the climate problem. Yippie! Then we can move on to "geoengineering" and "mitigation protection plans" and lots more profits for the elites!
Those who oppose the currently offered global warming solutions should draw a sharp line between right-headed science and wrong-headed approaches. Any plan that allows multinational corporations to profit while the rest of us pay is wrong.
If our elected leaders are serious about solving the CO2 problem, they will implement a revenue-neutral tax shift or a cap-and-dividend program. Such approaches would enhance the freedom to choose how to spend one's money while gradually forcing out unsustainable energies and processes.


The Lost Symbol, the new book by Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons author Dan Brown, takes us once again into a world of shadowy cabals, hidden messages and secret conspiracies.
They are works of fiction, but Brown tells us they are based on fact: "All organisations in this novel exist,” says a foreword to The Last Symbol, "including the Freemasons, the Invisible College, the Office of Security, the SMSC, and the Institute of Noetic Sciences”. Similarly, at the beginning of The Da Vinci Code, we learn that The Priory of Sion is a real secret society founded in 1099.
But how much of Brown's work is fact, and how much is fiction? We take a look at six of his most prominent claims and see how closely they fit reality.
The Freemasons (from The Lost Symbol, 2009)
What Brown says
A secret society, the Freemasons, secretly run America, and the Founding Fathers have concealed a secret portal under Washington where the terrifying Secrets of the Universe are hidden.
In reality:
Rumours that Freemasons control society are widespread. They often overlap with conspiracy theories about the New World Order and the Illuminati.
Apparent Masonic symbols do appear regularly in American culture – most notably the pyramid and eye on the Great Seal of the United States, which appears on the dollar bill and is said to be the Eye of Providence. Furthermore, at least one member of the Founding Fathers, Benjamin Franklin, was a Mason.
However, the Eye of Providence was not commonly used as a Masonic symbol until 1797, some years after the Great Seal was designed.
1733 Sixteenth Street, NW, Washington (from The Lost Symbol, 2009)
What Brown says:
Known as the House of the Temple, this Washington building is a replica of a pre-Christian temple to King Mausolus, and the world headquarters of Freemasonry
In reality:
Designed by John Russell Pope and finished in 1915, the House of the Temple is indeed a model of the Mausoleum of Mausolos. It holds the remains of the Confederate general Albert Pike, author of the 1871 book Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. It is home to the Supreme Council of Freemasonry.
The Priory of Sion (from The Da Vinci Code, 2003)
What Brown says:
An brotherhood founded in 1099, whose members have included Sir Isaac Newton, Botticelli, Victor Hugo, and Leonardo da Vinci, and who are the only ones who know that Jesus married Mary Magdalene and has a surviving heir. Mary Magdalene and her descendents are the real Holy Grail.
In reality:
The Priory of Sion was indeed said to be a monastic order formed in 1099. In 1982 Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln's book The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail set forth the claim that it protected the knowledge of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. However, the existence of the Priory is now believed to be a hoax created in the 1950s by a Frenchman named Pierre Plantard.
Opus Dei (from The Da Vinci Code, 2003)
What Brown says:
A Vatican-sanctioned Catholic sect that plots to find the Priory's secret and kill the heir/Grail. They carry out a practice of self-flagellation called "corporal mortification". A major villain in the book is the Opus Dei monk Silas, who murders a Priory member.
In reality:
Opus Dei is a real Catholic organisation; the Labour Minister Ruth Kelly is one of its estimated 87,000 members worldwide. But none of those members are monks.
There is no evidence that it hopes to find the Holy Grail in any form. Its stated goal (on its website, www.opusdei.us) is "to spread the message that work and the circumstances of everyday life are occasions for growing closer to God, for serving others, and for improving society."
Rosslyn Chapel (from The Da Vinci Code, 2003)
What Brown says:
Rosslyn Chapel, near Edinburgh, was built by the Knights Templar as a perfect copy of Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem, complete with a subterranean vault which holds the secret of the Holy Grail. A message written in secret code on its ceiling reveals the entrance to the vault.
In reality:
While the Chapel was built 150 years after the dissolution of the Knights Templar, it does have some Templar and Masonic symbols. Links with the Knights and the alleged bloodline of Jesus and the Priory of Sion were put forward by the historian Andrew Sinclair. However, the Priory has now been shown to be a mid-20th century hoax.
The Illuminati (from Angels and Demons, 2000)
What Brown says:
A shadowy secret society sworn to bring down the Catholic Church in revenge for their crimes against scientists like Copernicus, "murdered by the church for revealing scientific truths," and Galileo, convicted of heresy for claiming the Earth moved around the Sun. The Illuminati are described as"a secret society dedicated to scientific truth" and "the most powerful underground organisation ever to walk the earth".
In reality:
The Illuminati were a real organisation. They were founded in 1776 in Bavaria, sworn to ideals of free-thinking and rationalism.
Nicolaus Copernicus was never attacked by the Church. On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres was dedicated to Pope Paul III, and the Church used his theories in their revising of the calendar. He died of a stroke in 1543 at the age of 70; there is no reason to believe that he was murdered.
Galileo Galilei certainly was mistreated – he was subjected to lifelong house arrest following the publication of his 1633 work Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, which argued that the Earth moved round the Sun, although he was only suspected of heresy, never convicted. He died in 1642. The Bavarian Illuminati were dissolved in 1785, although various other groups have used their name since.